Your single point of access for all types of traffic

Secured routing for A2P, P2A, P2P and RCS with Rational Brands Messaging Hub
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Customers are Highly Satisfied
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Years of leadership in the market
0 B
SMS & OTT messages processed per year

Embark on your monetisation journey

Rational Brands Messaging Hub provides mobile operators with secured message routing for all types of messaging traffic, ensuring reliable delivery over legal and transparent routes.


Turn your A2P SMS into a major source of growing revenues


Ensure reliable traffic transport, clearly separated from A2P and P2A


Grow your P2A traffic through new cases and clear, transparent delivery

Messaging Hub scope

Next level of control for your messaging traffic exchange
SMS collection and transit
Quality of service
Filtering and antispam services

Safeguarding your interests

Messaging Hub is a one-stop-shop solution to help you manage all technical, commercial and legal challenges of the messaging business